Marie Gear
Marie is an MBR practitioner located in Halifax, West Yorkshire. Marie suffered with chronic fatigue syndrome for many years. This caused a lot of pain, fatigue, brain fog and she struggled with sleeping, in the end these symptoms combined left her housebound.
In the countless visits to the GP over the years she suffered with CFS, Marie was only offered antidepressants and advised to exercise. The advice from the GP was to manage the symptoms, so she knew she had to find another way to regain her health.
Marie began her search to find an alternative to western medicine, her research led her to the mind body connection and the disconnect which leads to symptoms. The practitioner guided her back to health. Marie learnt that listening to her body and taking appropriate action was the way to getting her life back.
Marie joined the Mindbody Reconnect training programme in 2020 and is now an MBR practitioner. Marie is dedicated to bringing a new understanding to the illnesses and to helping people return to symptom free health
If you are interested in learning about MBR and what it entails, Marie offers a 30-minute free session to discuss your needs and discover if MBR is right for you. This is available face to face, via videocall or phone call.
If you wish to get in touch, you can contact Marie via email, or text message, 07949710884. She looks forward to hearing from you.