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Fiona Montgomery

Fiona has worked as an alternative health practitioner for 20 years. She began her journey teaching yoga and dance, and running a busy massage practice. At age 25 she became unwell with M.E. which left her bedbound and in a wheelchair for 12 years. The constant search for a cure eventually led her to Mickel Therapy in 2014, which gave her back her health. Her health and wellbeing has gone from strength to strength since that time, and she has learned how to live a life of deep connection to her essence.


Her Mickel Therapist Clare Caldwell, who is now the founder of The MindBody Reconnect, was pivotal in her recovery and Fiona has since gone on to train with Clare first as a Mickel Therapist in 2016, and later as a MindBody Reconnect practitioner.


Fiona has supported many people to restore their health and wellbeing and it is her greatest passion to help people reclaim their lives, and see them thrive and blossom. These days she practices as an MBR practitioner, astrologer, and women's empowerment coach.


She is a great lover of life, and enjoys being immersed in nature, wild swimming, singing, dancing and sharing her gifts with her community.


Fiona offers sessions face to face within her local area of Somerset, and online via Zoom for the wider world.


To contact Fiona:


Phone: 07920 461 400


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